Only a few days left till International Crochet Day! If you've not heard of the date and haven't marked your calendar, please do so and use that date as one dedicated to the art of crochet. International Crochet Day is young. This is the second year for the celebration but it's already off to a great start, primarily due to help from bloggers who have spread the word around the WORLD!! As a great example, please click on the "Falando de Crochet" button in the left margin and see what is happening in preparation in Brazil! And we've word from Portugal of preparations! Its a WORLD wide event, folks.....all to promote the art of crochet.
If you crochet, consider setting time aside on Sept. 12 to teach someone to crochet. Or simply take your crochet out in public to raise awareness that crochet is an artform that can be done nearly anywhere, that it is a very relaxing and constructive thing to do.
And for my part, I'm going to give the hook pictured above away. All that needs be done is to enter a comment here in my blog with a very short statement about what you are going to do on International Crochet Day to promote the art. Entries from outside the US are encouraged, in keeping with the International spirit of the day. I'll do a drawing from the entries to see who wins the hook.
If you have trouble posting a comment here in the blog, I'll also consider your entry by email to me at
Please enter on or before International Crochet Day (Sept 12)
I'll hopefully be attending the CGOA conference in Portland Oregon on International Crochet Day, so I won't be able to announce a winner untill I get back home on the 15th, so please come visit then and see if you've won.
The hook? Oh this one is a real beauty! Its made from "Marble Wood" and, well just click on the image and take a look at the striking grain. Hard wood, amazingly beautiful grain, and sooooooo smooth. Size? 7.5mm... a rare size for a rare hook..
So please spread the word, if you would and lets keep International Crochet Day an annual event!
And thanks for visiting!
OH and if you're curious about Diplohookticus Jimbosei (Dippy) ((see posts below)), he's been freed from surrounding detrius and has taken shape. I've been working hard to brake him gently to the yarn.. but he's been purty dang stubborn so far... seems like every time i visit him in his room (stable?) a fresh crack has appeared. I'm not giving up, though. Sometimes I feel a bit like a "hook whisperer". Intent is still to take Dippy to Portland to be unveiled on International Crochet Day. I'm keeping my fingers crossed (kind of hard to work a drawknife with your fingers crossed). more to come
What I am going to do in honor of International Crochet Day on Sept 12th is teach my son to crochet also work on more chemo caps.
I'd hoped to unveil a design, however I have been too busy with chemo caps to work on it.
I am planning on taking my crochet with me to my local library and check out some pattern books and try a few patterns while I am there! This is a great way to catch people's attention and prompt them to ask...."What are you doing?"
Seein' as how International Crochet Day falls on a work day for me, I'll have to wait until the end of the day, but I'll probably try to teach a friend's 8 year old how to crochet. She learned to chain this weekend but that's not going to get her very far.
In honor of international crochet day, I plan on going to the park and crocheting while my kids play. Of course crocheting by it self sparks interest, seeing a hard core tattooed girl crocheting gets even more attention!!
The 12th will bring a day of lots of crochet practice for my 7 year old son and 6 year old daughter! My son is eager and loves learning new stitches. It's a bit more slow-going for my girl. I would like to keep crochet alive in my family.
I am taking my crochet supplies to a Waterpark and crocheting at my grandson's birthday party. I am going to bring extra hooks and teach the relatives to do 8" squares for FA awareness and I promised to teach the boys to crochet chain stitches to be used for lassos.
On international crochet day I'm going to crochet on the train on the way into work (which usually results in a few conversations!)
In the office I'll get everyone round the big meeting table, and I'll teach any of the staff who want to learn. We'll make little hats for the Innocent Smoothie Big Knit campaign (it's a British charity thing: http://innocentdrinks.typepad.com/thebigknit/) which I'll then send to Innocent in the hopes that they'll write about crochet on their blog.
I'll take photos and put it up on our company Moblog (http://moblog.net/shinymedia/), and then write about it for http://www.craftycrafty.tv
Que bellas estas agujas de crochet de madera, artesanales.
No sé inglés; espero que sepa español...
Saludos desde Montevideo, Uruguay
Every day is International Crochet Day for me. I always take a project out to lunch with me. Then once I'm at home for the evening I'll get comfortable on the couch with my most recent project. Maybe I'll treat myself to some new yarn!!
for ICD i am having a prize give away on my site/blog
i also plan to crochet in public. i may even make a sign to wear saying that it's international crochet day.
For ICD I'll be giving my best friend a mushroom crochet purse filled with hooks and yarn. We'll sit, chat, crochet and have fun. Pretty much a perfect day. :)
Is already that time again?! Wow a year has gone by so fast. Well, I will be just getting home with a new baby by then. So I can't promise I'll do anything for National Crochet Day. :( I know, it's sad. But what can you do? I'm being induced on the 9th!
Olá, amigo!
Transcrevo abaixo o comentário que deixei no blog da Sônia Maria:
"Olá, amiga!
Estou na fila do gargarejo.
É que além de apreciar o seu blog sou a primeira a postar.
Sou aposentada por tempo de serviço. Eu digitava até 40 sentenças por dia, numa média de oito laudas cada, mas, muitas delas chegavam a 20 ou mais laudas.
Finalizando eu sou proibida de digitar, faço crochê com agulhas adaptas com durepox. Às vezes sou obrigada a passar vários dias afastada do cp e do meu crochê por causa da tendinite. EU QUERO GANHAR ESSA AGULHA. Ou, então, preciso comprar. Portanto, se alguém souber onde vende quero comprar.
Fica aqui o meu apelo.
Para você eu só posso dizer que ficaria muito satisfeita se pudesse ganhar. E Caso eu não seja A SORTEADA vou precisar dos seus préstimo para comprar para mim.
Que os seus dias sejam iluminados.
Olá muito linda esta agulha de crohe e com certeza no dia 12 estarei fazendo croche espero ter sorte de poder ganhar.
Oi, tudo bom?
Gostei muito deste dia... se eu pudesse ficaria o dia todo fazendo crochê...kkkk
Bem, dia 12 será uma sexta-feira, eu farei crochê, na escola, no horário do intervalo, com um grupo de amigas (somos em 5). tudo começou quando pedi para minha colega, que ensinasse-me a fazer um sachÊ tartaruga de crochê. Ela então começou a me ensinar no horario do intervalo, são 20 minutos. Desde então, outras colegas foram se interessando... gostando... e agora somos cinco amigas, que fazem crochÊ no horario do intervalo da escola. Uma, ensina o que a outra, ainda não sabe...
Ah!!!Estamos com o projeto de formar um grupo de artezanato, o qual terá sede na própria escola, no turno contrario ao das aulas. Pretendemos convidar mais pessoas para o grupo, faremos um blog, ganharemos um dinheirinho com nossas peças e principalmente, estaremos cuidando da nossa saúde... com está grande terapia.
É isso ai... isso é o que farei no dia 12 de setembro e nos outros dias também!
Edilene Brasilia DF
Hi, Sabe o que vou fazer no dia 12 de setembro? Para homenagear o Dia Internacional do Crochê vou postar no meu blog uma blusa feita pela minha avó, que já não está mais aqui, e foi ela quem me ensinou a crochetar. Além desta homenagem a minha avó que fez tantas roupas para eu e minhas irmãs usarmos, vou também fazer crochê no Pet Shop enquanto minha cachorrinha, a Susy, toma banho. Toda semana levo um crochê e fico fazendo, o pessoal até já pergunta o que eu estou crochetando desta vez.
Bom, adoro fazer crochê e seria um sonho ganhar esta maravilhosa agulha.
Tenham todos um ótimo Dia do Crochê.
I loved this idea!
Jane - São Paulo - Brasil
Olá Jimbo
Conheci seu blog e seu trabalho maravilhoso através do blog da Sônia Maria -"Falando de Crochet".Seu trabalho é lindíssimo,e adorei conhecer seu blog.
No dia 12 de setembro estarei fazendo crochet,é claro!!!Pretendo tirar uma foto minha fazendo crochet e publicar no blog.
Uma linda semana pra você e sua família!!!
Hello Jimbo
I met your blog and wonderful work through the blog of Sonia Maria - "Speaking of Crochet." Her work is beautiful, and I loved knowing your blog.
On September 12 will be doing crochet, of course!! I want to take a picture with my crochet and publish on the blog.
A beautiful week to you and your family!
Desculpe, escrever em português, é que não sei inglês.
Vou estender todos os meus croches, na frente da casa, para que todos possam ver como se pode fazer coisas lindas em crochê.
Farei crochê em minha varanda, como todas as tardes, e deixarei meu depoimento à todos, dizendo que o crochê é minha terapia, me ajudou a superar a depressão pós-parto, me ajuda a controlar a ansiedade e me ajuda a ganhar dinheiro extra, com as peças vendidas. É minha paixão!
Linda sua agulha de crochê!
Bjos crochetados!Márcia
Hi, i loved the hooks you made. Congratulations!!! You realize the great job!!
I am planning to made my crochet with my little baby girl in the swimming pool club house i live.
Thanks to create this great day " International Crochet Day"
Não tenha dúvida que no dia internacional do crochê irei reservar esse dia pra emendar os squares que ganhei nas trocas que eu fazia com minhas amigas, e irei ficar muito feliz se eu for sorteada, pra ganhar essa linda agulha, que só de olhar já da vontade de ter uma.
"Neste dia tão especial, vou ensinar apenas uma criança a fazer crochê...sei que assim estarei contribuindo para que essa arte maravilhosa nunca se acabe."
Kátia Missau
Well, I make Crochet everyday in my job and my home. But on Sept 12th I make in the job. I work in the school, have many children and people.
I'm from Brazil, sorry for my bad English
Visit my blog!!!
Olá neste dia estarei fazendo muito crochet pois é uma arte que adoro.Já estou feliz em poder participar deste sorteio esta agulha é simplesmente maravilhosa.
Um abraço!
Fiquei surpresa, pois não sabia desse Dia Internacional do Croche.
Pretendo fazer nesse dia, que é novidade para mim, um belo cachecol e postá-lo no meu blog, para que todos saibam que o croche tem um dia internacional.
Sonia Facion - Brasil
My boyfriend has to go to the hospital for some tests. I'll be spending the day with him, so I'll have my crochet with me in the hospital waiting room.
When he ended up in the ER this last weekend, I took my Special Olympics scarf with me and made a few friends while I was waiting for him.
oi,meu nome é vicentina
no dia internacional do croche
vou promover um chazinho com minhas amigas do edificio em que moro e nós faremos croche para doação para uma instituição de caridade
gostaria muito de ganhar essa agulha
ficaria muito orgulhosa de te-la
muito obrigada
International Crochet Day eh! Well think I'd better go into my local town Murwillumbah,NSW,Australia, and crochet in public in a Cafe Crochet Crawl, to inspire others to learn to crochet. I've been meaning to try and start some classes going around here and have been getting a few inquiries about my hats,whenever I wear them in town. So some informal free crochet cafe class/info will get the ball unrolling, as people sign up for some future class or workshops,or just record their interest for learning the wonderful, meditative and relaxing art of crochet.
Neste dia internacional do crochê quero fazer uma almofada de squares,foi o primeiro square que fiz , e lembro-me que fiquei muito feliz.Espero que saiba a língua portuguesa ,para poder entender meu muito OBRIGADA!,por este dia do crochê e por nos proporcionar a oportunidade de ganhar esta agulha divina,abraços .....
I am a professor of crochet, I love my profession, I have many students and give lessons throughout the week of crochet.Adorei the needle and hopefully win it, I am already in my blog.Parabéns disseminating the initiative,
A big hug,
Sandra Coatti
Felicitaciones por su obra!!, amo el crochet, lo tejo desde que tenía 4 años junto a mi abuela. Ahora tengo 35 años y lo sigo haciendo. La mejor manera de festejar que encontré es reunirme con mis amigas tejedoras. Espero su visita por mi blog, está explicado el itinerario para ese día.
Saludos dde Rosario, Argentina
Well, it looks like I'll be crocheting all day in a class at the CGOA show in Portland. Maybe I'll run into you there, Jimbo. But I know I'll be surrounded by other crocheters, having a great time.
Good morning Jimbo!!!!
Meu inglês pára aqui. Quero participar do sorteio desta linda agulha. No dia 12 de setembro vou continuar ensinando uma cunhada a arte do crochê. Estamos no básico, mas até as mais experientes começam com o mais simples. Um dia chegaremos lá.
In honor of Crochet day. I will be crocheting at work and in the public park by my work at linch time. I also plan on wearing a crochet item or two and teaching a friend of mine how to crochet. I am currently working on designing a tapestry crochet pattern of my dog for a pillow so I hape to be working on that.
Oi Jimbo!
Estou escrevendo para parabenizar pelo dia do crochet!
Sua atitude em mobilizar o mundo sobre essa arte tão nobre e versátil, é muito bonito! Parabéns!
O crochê faz parte da minha vida à muito tempo, como uma forma de distração no transporte público. Desde então, não consigo mais parar! Todos os dias vou e volto do trabalho crochetando, e sempre me questionam sobre as técnicas, é muito legal! Muitos aprendem com essa exposição artesanal no cotidiano. E pra mim, é uma distração e uma terapia!
Deus te abençoe, e parabéns por sua atitude!
Hi Jimbo!
I am writing to congratulations you at day of the crochet! It´s a sweats attitude, to mobilize the world about this craft so noble & versatile, it's too much beautiful! Congratulations!
THE crochet takes part from my life on the plenty of time , like a form of distraction into the transport public. Ever since , I can´t stop anymore! Every day I go & went back of the I work make crochet, & always questioning me about of the techniques, it's too much cool! A good many they learn with this exposition artisanal into the daily. & for me , that's a distraction & a therapy! God bless you, & congratulations for she sweats attitude!
On the 12th I'll be making more scarves for victims of abuse. Also working on squares for cancer patients.
Carol W. in NC
On international crochet day I'll be making more scarves for victims of abuse and squares for cancer patients.
God bless
Carol W. in NC
Ola' Jimbo
International Crochet Day came up fast!! Doesn't seem like it's be a year yet...
Well in honor of the day, I'm going to have the ladies over for lunch and crochet the rest of the afternoon.Just made the phone calls and most are comming..
The ladies and I have been Crocheting toys and Baby blankets for the local hospital.
So we will be eating, crocheting and gossiping..LOL
Hola Jimbo....
Cómo me gustaría que llegara a mis manos esa obra de arte!!!
El día 12 iré a tejer al parque en medio del cual está mi apartamento.
Es un parque con muchos árboles, donde hay 2051 apartamentos.... Somos aproximadamente unas 10.000 personas que vivimos allí y podemos disfrutar mucho de ese gran jardín.
Seguramente habrá otras tejedoras allí, que aprovechan el sol de las primeras horas de la tarde para hacer su trabajo.
Saludos desde Montevideo, Uruguay
I will be crocheting in Public with a Video, just because is fun!
for international crochet day i plan on taking some yarn and hooks and go and visit my friend who lives in a nursing home, i bought alot of plastic crochet hooks on ebay and plan on giving them to the ladies and gentlemen who want to join me while we crochet for others, we have decided that since sooo many people who live in these homes have no one to give them anything for christmas we are dedicating it to that and will make hat scarves ect for the residents there to be given christmas(or whatever holiday they celebrate) gifts. i have such a abundance of yarn that i plan on donating to them a large bag which while even after i am not there to help(i try and go once a month but sometimes go more depending how my back feels, anyways will be leaving for any who wants to crochet with the yarn (in which who wants to do it) so they can continue to feel needed and make things for themselves and others, i hope everyone has a wonderful international crochet day a day that i think should be a paid holiday from work HAHAHAHAHA so many who want to can contribute to and enjoy it helping others. as for melissa and not being able to crochet with a new baby i think you should qualify anyways cause after all moms need time too but when your busy with a newborn is hard so i vote we allow her to participate in the drawing too and congratulations melissa wven though i don't know you i wanted to say that :D
Que maravilha! Um Dia Internacional do Crochê, esta arte que me acompanha há pelo menos 46 anos; tenho 56. Nesse dia, prometo formar pelo menos mais um "crocheteiro" e espero ansiosamente que seja eu a ganhadora desta maravilhosa agulha. Obrigada, Edilena
I love it know about the day of crochet and you inventou.Conheci your blog by blog friend of Sonia Maria (Speaking of Croche).
I would love earn a needle as it is a masterpiece of so beautiful!
And what I'm going to do on the international crochet is very crochetar and post in my blog.
A hug!
Hi Jimbo!
Voy a publicar en mi blog este anuncio para darle difusión a tan buena idea! Siempre estoy tejiendo en crochet y buscando novedades. El día 12 de setiembre redoblaré mis horas de trabajo!
Olá knows what I go to make in day 12 of September? To publish in Mine blog a pretty toilet set of crochet that I am making and I intend there until having Finished. E who knows will not publish that I was the sortuda who I gained this Pretty needle! Congratulations for pretty blog
It forgives for my English, rs
To many years I accompany his blog and his history, from of that I saw his needles I bewitched myself with his work. I learnt the crochet very much early still girl, and passed for my daughter to 6 years, she does crochet very well, he is 10 years old. In the International day of the crochet I have the promise to teach someone or to do something in public to give. His insentivo is important since in my Parents there are many wanting families and they do from the crochet his work. An embrace.
Unfortunately I'm working in the scene shop at work that week and I don't like to bring yarn in because of the sawdust factor (I'm sure you can relate to how dusty one can get!). If I'm not working on a crazy and dirty project, I'm sure to be crocheting on break time. The rest of the crew at the theater sure has gotten used to seeing me crochet and I've gotten special requests, for sure!
That night there is a knit and crochet knit at a LYS that I'll be sure to go to. I've never gone to one of the their nights, so it'll be a new adventure! This area doesn't have a lot of crocheters, but I'm certainly going to represent!
Ola, sou nova no mundo virtual, mas adquiri a arte do croche atraves de minha querida avò, com ela aprendi muitas coisas e hoje estou aperfeiçoando mais...
Atraves de Sonia Maria (pode-se dizer minha incentivadora de eu ter um blog)estou aqui e realmente fiquei encantada com as agulhas de croche artezanais.Parabens por idealizar o Dia Internacional do Croche, com certeza irei eu e minha agulha para a praça fazer croche ao ar livre.. mostrar para as pessoas que pode-se conviver bem com a natureza e o trabalho.
Mui grata
hi!!! I'm Xioely from Venezuela!!! I don't speak english very good but I try to tell you what i'm going to do on september 12th, I'm gonna teach to someone, maybe to my family or a neighbor but I like that more people learn to crochet!!! If I can teach to more better!!! I hope that understand me and I love your Job it's so beautifull... I hope that I can get the wonderfull hook!!! jejeje Regards
Hi! I'm Rafa from Brazil. I'm 16 years old and I've been crocheting since...well, for a long time.
On September twelve I'll be probabily working on some late projects.
Thanks for your devotion to the date, here in Brazil is a very underestimated art.
Hugs! Rafa Hübner
To commemorate the International day of croche, I will go to use to advantage the rest of a vascular surgery that I will make to teach to a neighbor to making a scarf spiral. I liked the wooden needle very and find that I will go to use it in my works very.
thank you
Ana Elvira
Londrina - Paraná - Brazil
I will go somewhere public, like a coffee house, and crochet where I can catch people's eye. I'll bring my "crochet wizard" cards, and maybe I'll find someone who wants to learn to crochet!
nossa eu faço croche desde pequena e sempre fiz coisas para meu quarto ..
sempre fui muito criativa..em novembro eu caso e agora estou fazendo peças para o meu enxoval de casamento...sempre fazia croche com amiguinhas do lado queria que elas sentissem a mesma fascinação que eu por criar algo tão bonito!algumas sentiam e vinham o brilho em meus olhos e até hoje fazem croche, outras não...
tenho centenas de ideias para o dia do croche...essa arte que mexe comigo desde mais nova, que me acompanha...
espero poder ganhar essa agulha linda...será como um trofeu para mim...
I'm going to bring my crochet into my work to show everyone how beautiful and useful crochet can be!
Happy International Crochet Day everyone!
Olá, Jimbo!
Parabéns pela sua iniciativa de criar o "Dia Internacional do Crochet". Eu amo crochet apesar de estar afastada ultimamente, pois estou fazendo Quimioterapia e estou muito enfraquecida ficando assim muito mais tempo deitada, porém no dia 12 virá uma aluna minha de 75 anos para que eu a ajude a fazer uma bolsa pra sua neta. Eu costumo fazer crochet em ônibus, nas filas de bancos, de médicos...enfim é minha companhia. Estou triste que aqui no Recife estão querendo cortar crochet das feirinhas de artesanato, pois estão á dizer que não é artesanato.Muita saúde, paz e luz sempre!
Desculpe o português, não sei escrever em inglês. Dia 12 de setembro estarei ensinando minha mãe a fazer crochê, sonho que ela sempre teve e nunca teve alguém para ensinar. Aprendi por ela e agora a ensino. Ela já sabe o ponto alto e a correntinha hehe. Vou torcer pra ganhar essa linda agulha. Obrigada. Beijos
I'm going to spend time after work withh my hook in hand and work on a baby afghan that will go to the NICU that saved my son for a sick baby this Christmas
Fiquei sabendo de seu lindo blog no blog da Sônia Maria Falndo de crochê...
No dia 12 de setembro pretendo ensinar minhas sobrinhas e se possível postarei fotos no meu blog. Também farei uma peça da qual não fiz ainda e estarei aqui torcendo para ganhar essa linda agulha.
I am going to Crochet At Work (on break of course)and make a sign that says, "ask me what day it is!"
Hi friend ..
I am Brazilian and I have a blog job of crochet. Through the blog Sonia was aware of the international day of crochet, and the whole campaign to make it a memorable day for us all craftsmen.
We learned also the draw for the fine needle of wood, and this is seen as a beautiful and special, I came to enroll in the same promotion.
Day 12 will be giving a great lesson for crochet in a shop near my house. I am a professor of crochet, and the cost of a course is not as cheap. But especially on that day will be making this promotion because of the international day of crochet. Outside their own posts on my blog, which include the post of a colcha made by my great-grandmother who has no less than 85 years (the colcha is that age!)
We also invite you to visit me and bring your opinion friend.
I wish the best of heaven on you and your family.
Big hug
Cauê Santos
Blog: vidacompaz.blogspot.com
olá JIMBO!
conheci seu espetacular trabalho através de postagens feitas no blog de sônia maria ...
amei suas criações... sou apaixonada pela arte de crochetar e fiquei maravilhada com estas agulhas...
pode contar comigo na divulgação do dia 12/09 "INTERNATIONAL CROCHET DAY"
faço croche as vezes na praça próximo a prefeitura do bairro onde moro e já programei o dia 12/09 pra mais uma vez estar lá realizando mais algum trabalho, e divulgando a data...
espero ser contemplada com esta maravilhosa agulha, abraços!!
Ola, adorei a idéia de ganhar a agulha de croche...Com certeza no dia 12 de setembro estarei fazendo croche, pois ensino esta arte aum grupo de "melhor" idade de minha cidade, e tambem estarei neste dia comemorando junto a elas meu aniversário...pois é, estarei fazendo 51 aninhos, e sei que vou adorar chegar a idade de minhas amigas de grupo de croche com a mesma memória que elas....e sempre querendo aprender mais...
Um grande abraço a voce, e boa sorte a todas.
Hi, Jimbo!
I'm writing from Buenos Aires, Argentina!
On 12th Sept I'll crochet as I do every day and celebrate my husband's birthday too. I'm an English teacher and a crochet enthusiast. I'd very much like to win the hook contest.
What I'm planning to do is to teach my daughter how to make crochet chains. She's 10 already and loves crafts and creative stuff.
Happy Crocheting!
María Elena.-
I'm going to spend September 12th working on premie blankets and caps to be donated to charity, and I'm taking my daughters down to the Public Square to spend the day outside, letting them play while I work my hook!
Hi Jimbo
I'm from Brazil.In honor of international crochet day, I'll teach crochet for my daughter. (she doesn't know, it'll be a surprise)
I loved your hooks it's wonderful. I'd love to earn this special hook. I met your blog through the Sonia Maria 's blog - Falando de Crochet.
Maria Amélia
You know ...I wish I could be a crafty as you Jimbo. I've only made knitting needles out of dowl rods, lol. Beautiful work!
On Sept. 12th I am hoping to take my crochet to our area park. It's a well known park to children and adults. (I just hope I don't work since I've been on medical leave, but if so I'll figure out something else)
I really wish I was able to join the CGOA, not many near me crochet though. Maybe someday, huh?
Bom Dia...
Que bom que temos um DIA INTERNACIONAL DO CROCHE. Aprendi com minha avó, com uma agulha de arame feita pelo meu avô, e depois com uma agulha feita de bambus, para as linhas mais grossas e lãs.
Neste dia, vou usar uma de minhas muitas blusas, e incentivar a todos a fazer e dizer: "Eu que fiz". Adorarei receber este brinde.
I'm going to take my crocheting out with me in public wherever I go and I don't do that very often. It always inspires conversation and I love to talk about it so maybe we'll get some converts!
Olá, que agulha maravilhosa e que campanha linda. Tenho aprendido muito de croche pela internet e sempre divulgo essa terapia. Parabéns pelo seu trabalho. com carinho, Adriana Sarmento
I plan on taking my crochet into the physics lab I work in. I'm going to demonstrate that that a person can be a scientist and still have time for crafts. :)
After that, I'll probably corner my boyfriend and try to teach him a few stitches.
I am normally more of a knitter, but on September 12th I'm going to take a crochet project along to university to work on between classes.
Fiquei feliz em saber que tem um dia internacional do croche.Neste dia irei comemorar com minhas colegas da Associção Rosaviva, mulheres que tiveram cancer de mama e o artesanato, especialmente o croche, devolveu a vontade de lutar pela vida. Gostaria muito de poder ganhar esta agulha, pois será um premio de estímulo para todas nós.Parabéns para as crocheteiras do mundo todo.
Fiquei feliz em saber que tem um dia internacional do croche.Neste dia irei comemorar com minhas colegas da Associção Rosaviva, mulheres que tiveram cancer de mama e o artesanato, especialmente o croche, devolveu a vontade de lutar pela vida. Gostaria muito de poder ganhar esta agulha, pois será um premio de estímulo para todas nós.Parabéns para as crocheteiras do mundo todo.
El 12 de septiembre voy a enseñarle a tejer crochet a mi sobrina y a mi vecina. Tambien voy a contar en mi blog la historia de mi bisabuela una gran tejedora de crochet.
Me anoto para el sorteo y espero ganar ;)
Kisses from Argentina
Que hermosas aguja!!!!!!
Me encantaría poder conseguirlas en Argentina.
Cecilia desde Rosario, Argentina
I'm going to work on my Yule gifts on International Crochet Day. It seems a perfect time to do so, particularly since it's one of my days off from work. Probably the shrugs for my friend Kitten...
On International Crochet Day I intend on finishing up a few WIP's. I've taught a friend to crochet recently and am currently in the process of teaching my 12 year-old niece.
I don't leave a comment every time I visit here, but I wanted to let you know that I do visit often. The work you do is amazing. I was starting to wonder if I'd ever be able to create handmade crochet hooks. They are stunning. I'm afraid that when I finally reached the actual "hook" part that I would probably put too much pressure and break it. :( Never know until I try though. If you have any tips please share!!! :P
It's nice to see that you've been to Alaska recently and took some of your hooks with you and then made one from some materials you got there. Moving to Alaska was an idea that has been floating around my household for while. I enjoyed reading your posts about your trip.
Take care and thanks. :)
This will be the perfect day to spend time with my granddaughter and her mother and start to teach them how to crochet. They have both been saying that they want to learn how since I have been teaching them both how to knit.
If the weather stays nice, I think I will also go down to Marina Park and spend some time working on the baby afghans I am working on for the twins our middle son and his wife are expecting the end of October.
In honor of International Crochet Day, I will be conducting a "how to" workshop for as many women who want to attend at our Ohio Women in the Outdoors statewide event. In 2007, I made myself available for a workshop and had more than 14 ladies show up to learn how to crochet. Many asked for a repeat, so we're offering it again this year ... for an event that features fishing, recreational shooting, hiking, and other outdoor activities, it's great knowing that many will come to a class on crocheting! We affectionately call it "Camo-Crocheting".
For International Crochet Day I am going to invite some ladies over, some who crochet and some who don't. We will do a show & tell, and help each other with stitches, etc. I am excited. We have been saying we would do it for some time now - this is a good excuse to really do it! Fun!
I'm going to crochet at the library!! I love the idea of there being a International Crochet Day, smile.
My 10 yo niece has developed an interest in yarn. She has a circular loom on which she's making a scarf.
Unfortunately I have to work and then we'll be on the road that evening. But I'm going to make my husband drive so I can crochet for the 3-hour trip! I'm sure someone will see me :).
LOVE your unique style. In honor of Int'l Crochet Day, I can think of nothing better than crocheting! In public! Inviting anyone who watches more than 30 sec to give it a go. LOL The great thing about a Crochet Day is that I don't need an excuse to do nothing else! :)
no se ingles, pero me gusta mucho el crochet, excelente idea la de enseñarlo a quienes no saben.
Well... on the International Crochet Day I'm gonna do what I've been doing everyday: Crochet! But something in especial will be done by me: I'll start to teach my mother (who's having some problems with depression) how to crochet amigurumis, it is something that I really like to crochet and that will make her happier or, at least, it will make her more peaceful.I think it is a good date to start.Really meaningful.
Something that I planned, too, is to give some things made by myself to friends who do not know that I love to crochet.
(I'm brazilian, sorry for the bad English!)
Dear Jimbo, your hooks are really beautiful. I've just discovered your blog and I'm already in love with the hooks. Unfortunately, they are expensive for me to buy, because I live in Brazil and so, you can double the price for us here, that's how much we would spend to buy a hook from you. Anyway... I read about the draw you're going to do and I really want to win it, so, I'll send an e-mail to all my friends telling them about the new International Crochet Day and I'll also write a post about it on my blog. I hope I win it. Have a very nice trip!!!
I will be crocheting as usual. My sister is expecting and I will be teaching her after the baby is born, when she is on leave.
Parabéns pelo blog e pela agulha. Também sou uma artesã nas agulhas de crochê e estarei realizando um belo trabalho no dia 12 de setembro. Espero ganhar esta linda agulha. Abraços NALU
On International Crochet Day I have 2 victims...ooops....friends and neighbors (LOL)...who I want to teach to crochet, specifically 6 by 9 inch rectangles. Not sure who will be available, but I'll give it a shot...in addition to my usual, obsessive, and daily crocheting of my own!
Every weekday evening when I pick up my (visually impaired) son from work, I sit in the Comm. Coll. Library and crochet on a Prayer Shawl. Never fails that someone will come up and ask questions. Crochet is very popular in our area.
Olá,atravéz do blog da Sonia Maria,cheguei ao seu.
Suas agulhas são bem legais e bem diferentes,pelas fotos do seu blog percebi que não são somente as agulhas seus trabalhos de madeira.
Seria um prazer poder crochetar com uma dessas...rsrsrsrs!
Voltarei mais vezes para visitar.
Obrigada pelo oportunidade que nos oferece...Ana Cléa.
Oi Jimbo.
Aprendi a fazer croche com uma vizinha quando eu tinha 8 anos, isso ja faz quase 40 anos.Porem como eu era muito pobre e nao tinha condiçoes para comprar uma agulha de croche, o marido dessa vizinha me fez uma agulha de madeira que foi minha primeira agulha.Agora, vendo a sua me voltou na memoria "aquela" minha agulha, que com o passar dos anos se quebrou.
Gostaria muito de ganhar essa agulha, porem se nao ganha-la, ja valeu a pena, pelas recordaçoes que ela me trouxe.
No dia 12 estarei com uma de minhas blusas de croche e fazendo muuuuuito croche, que eu adoro.
Maria machado
email- mazoh_btu@hotmail.com
Hi! I'm from Sweden.In honor of international crochet day, I'll teach crochet for my neighbour, whether she will or not. :)
Have a nice day!
Olá, eu adorei a agulha e como tal quero participar, no dia doze eu vou postar uma foto de um trabalho que ando a fazer com o ponto Sonia Maria, além de homenagear o croche tambem vou homenagear o trabalho de uma amiga, porque sem os amigos nada existe. Eu trabalho em público sempre que posso, o croche faz parte de mim, neste momento tenho pouco tempo, pois estou a tirar um curso, mas fiz um trabalho para a escola que me valeu nota 20, e a minha formadora está a mostrá-lo como exemplo às outras turmas, por isso e tudo mais eu tenho muito orgulho no meu croche. Mts bjos docinhos
I carry a bag my mother brought me from Guatemala with some cotton yarn
in it and I am teaching my self stitch patterns. I make them into
dish cloths and give them away to friends.
No dia internacional do crochê eu estarei fazendo o meu croche no metrô...
Achei a agulha muito linda... Quero participar do sorteio e gostaria muito de ganha-la.
I'm planning on crocheting in public (as usual) and helping to convert some knitters to the art of crochet by helping out in a CAL in the Hopelessly Overcommitted Group on Ravelry. It's an International group and lots of knitters who want to learn! :D
Well, I don't have anyone to teach crochet to so as to further along the craft. What I can do is work on The Ohio State graph ghan that I have been working on for a friend of my husbands. I can also work on shawls or afghans to gift to folks who really need something that is made with love to curl up with.
That's about it. Just simple stuff.
For International Crochet Day I'm planning on crocheting of course! I don't work outside the home and I'm unable to drive so I'm rather limited to what I can do as far as having contact with others. I will be working on a gift for someone though, just not sure who -- at this point I have several people I need to make things for and will depend how much crocheting I get done between now and then. : )
Wonderful contest, Jimbo. :) I think for International Crochet Day (since I'll be at work), I'll crochet while I'm at work all day, and then I'll see if I can't go hang out at the local open-late bookstore to get still more crocheting in. Heck with that much time, I might actually get a fair way into some form of project or other.
Bom dia Jim
Tive conhecimento do seu blog e do seu trabalho coma agulhas de crochet através do blog da Sónia de falandodecrochet.blogsopot.com. Vivo em Portugal e já fiz divulgação também no meu blog e em especial para a Noruega onde existe uma senhora que faz mantas muito bonitas.
Há longos anos que aprecio agulhas, tenho algumas em madeira muito antigas mas nada que se compare com as que executa. Muitos parabéns e desejo que continua a fazer as suas belas agulhas.
Há muito tempo que eu procurava por agulhas de crochet artesanais.
Escrevo-lhe em português pois não me era possível em inglês.
Hi Jimbo,
I currently don't have any plans for celebrating ICD.. but this has made me consider going out in public to crochet. Maybe to the library in our town. I do have a Special Olympics scarf that I crocheted in public on Sept 5.. a week early.. while on Jury selection.
Right now I'm a bit bummed out as it seems my schnauzer ran off with my Ozark Twist hook while I was asleep (she must've levitated to the back of the couch to get it) as I found my project and yarn on the floor.. but no hook. Even if I find it, it won't be usable any longer... she's a chewer.
Want a salt-n-pepper year old schnauzer? She likes to chew wood and almost anything else.. she could help you bring in wood for your hooks. Just joking.. dh wouldn't want to give her away .. yet. Wait till she chews something belonging to him though.
Wow, people just love your hooks! And why not? I love mine.
Not to quibble, and I'd love to have two days to crochet but I've read elsewhere that ICD is September 16. Do we know if there is an official website?
I haven't quite figured out what I'm going to do for the day just yet, I've no children around to teach. Maybe I'll work on any of the charity projects I've signed up for.
Public crocheting and charity work in public - what could be better?
Maybe I'll just take both days!
I recently taught a friend of mine to crochet and she and I are going to a church game night on the evening of International Crochet Day and we will be crocheting and teaching others to do so if they want.
Hi Jimbo
If its not raining I'm going to go to the playground, with my little fella, and Crochet in Public. Then I'll go home and start some things I've been meaning to do for a while, I'm going to try write my first crochet pattern, also some tips and hints, and put it on my blog. Then I have some dolls to make for an African Charity, then some Hyperbolic Crochet to make for the UK Crocheted Coral Reef Project. Its endless, theres so much to make, to try, everyday is my crochet day....
I've been wanting to go to the library, so that's probably where I will go with my crochet. I plan to start work on a Special Olympics scarf.
Olá, adoro crochetar, aonde vou carrego minhas linhas, o maridão fica louco comigo, sempre que tenho uma folguinha lá estou eu com o croche nas mãos, no dia internacional do croche só pra não variar, lá vou estar com o meu croche em mãos, eu trabalho com minhas linas em qualquer lugar, e onde estou sempre tem alguem que vem na volta dar uma espiadinha ou até dar um palpite. Crochetar é muito bom.Eu adoro.
Ana Paula-Rio Grande do Sul-Brasil
I am presently on a trip in Montréal, QC, Canada. On ICD I will go take the Métro and crochet while riding, then I will go to the gourment McDonald (they do have a gourmet McDonald in Montréal) and crochet while sipping a Latté and eating a french pastry.
I just read on Ravelry that tomorrow is International Crochet Day. I didn't know about it - very cool! I'll take the sun hat and market bag I'm working on to the park (if the weather is nice) and to the restaurant I have lunch.
que lindo es ese crochet me enca nto y ya lo quisiera para mi...
si bien el 12 de septiembre es el dia internacional del crochet y hay que promulgar sobre todo este dia el que tejamos crochet ..lo ahcemos o por lo emns yo lo hagoasi todos los dias..donde tenga que ir llevo mi crooceht asi s debeo esperar en algun lugar espero tejiendo...
que se aun gran dia el 12 de septiembre..
I've been planning for a couple of weeks to get together with a couple of friends and teach them to crochet! It should be fun. Beautiful hook!
My plans for ICD involve working up enough nerve to try my hand at Amigurumi. I finally learned how to crochet last month thanks to the gang at Wooly Bully in Tallahassee,FL.
I learned to knit last year, so this year I think I should learn to crochet. (I probably won't learn on "the day" but at some point I shall.) And that is a beautiful hook! It looks so warm and comfortable for a hand to work with.
Overhere in The Netherlands (Rotterdam), I will crochet in the Zoo in the morning, at school with my kids and at night at home!
And I promise NOT to touch the knittingneedles tomorrow!
Groeten uit Rotterdam!
I do everyday and more
1. Crochet in my way to work and back.
2. Promoting it in my blogs (2, english and spanish)
3. I spent this past week just working on my crochet projects
4. Bringing my crochet to my Knitting group (second friday in a row) and try to teach someone or get someone else interested.
my english journal is at
Ohh I'm going to S&B tonight and in honor of ICD I'll be crocheting a flower for the sweater I just finished - and I'll offer to teach any of the knitters how to crochet!
this is definitely a new tradition to me... but as I love crochet - I am going to help to spread the love as much as I can!
I am taking my newest project to the park tomorrow, and... I will have the first give away on my blog tomorrow as well!
Have A Great Crochet Day Everyone!
I'm going to crochet in public. We're going to go camping, so I will be wielding a hook while the kiddos frolic.
Those are beautiful hooks Jim! I am bringing my crochet with me to an appointment tomorrow (I usually do anyways, hehe)and I plan on planting myself at a local coffee shop, along with some extra hooks and yarn and offering to teach anyone who wants how to crochet. :) I don't know if I will get any takers but I am going to try! I'm also helping coordinate and teach knitting and crocheting to our local homeless people. (I'm only doing the crochet part.) We couldn't get it arranged on time for tomorrow but it's going to happen next month. We have the place, donated yarn, hooks, and needles, all of us teachers in place. We only need to make up flyer's and wait for the day to arrive!
Thanks to you Jim, I know all about International Crochet Day and I think it's wonderful!
Happy International Crochet Day everyone!
Wow Jimbo I love reading all the comments here on your site. I have one will be celebrating crochet day by actually crocheting to my hearts delight:) I may take it to the streets.
Oh happy crochet day.
In honour of this day I have a few things going on. 1. I just send off one batch of crocheted items for charity to the homeless in India. 2. Crocheting in public at the local mall. 3. Taught 3 kids to finger crochet during the crocheting at the mall. 4. Finally, have 2 other moms interested to learn the art of crochet.
On International Crochet Day I am going to try to finish (finally) the round ripple I've been working on for my little secret pal at church. I will be taking this project to work with (as always) and happily answering any questions.
meu nome é Cátia e sou do Brasil.
Eu adorei a idéia do Dia Internacional do croche e até mencionei no meu blog.
Pretendo ensinar a minha filha caçula de 7 anos a arte de fazer croche, afinal de contas eu aprendi a fazer com 7 anos e apesar de ser cnhota, eu aprendi a fazer com a mão direita... hehehehehe
espero ser a sorteada!!!
bjokas, Cátia
Hello. I plan on crocheting up some scarves for the Special Olympics on Internatioal Crochet Day.
I'm going to talk about crochet all day at the yarn shop I work at! We actually have a number of crocheters, but most of them are sort of hush-hush about what the yarn is for... I always tell customers I'm a crocheter first, knitter second!
I'll also crochet on the train on the way to and from work, of course :)
Olá!!! Vou postar no meu blog 2 peças que eu fiz há 29 anos atrás, quando aprendi crochê! Gostaria muito de ganhar a agulha!! O crochê é muito importante pra mim!!
Hi Jimbo,
Today I´m certainly going to crochet. I crochet almost everyday at night while (not) watching TV. During the weekends, at the beach, I usually have a bag with some WIP with me. Sometimes people look with strange faces and I guess they thimk it´s very odd to crochet at the beach, but I don´t care, I like it. Other times people are curious and even come closer and ask questions about what I´m making and so on. I crochet since I´m a little girl (6 or 7) and never stopped - I´m 40 now, so I´ve crocheted a lot.
Please feel welcome to visit my blog.
Nice crochet day :)
It's already after 9 pm on the 12th, but today I had lunch with my knitting friends and I pulled out my crocheted sock and crocheted away until it was time to go. Have to promote the art of crochet as much as possible!
Hi......Felicidades!!!!! Congratulation!!!!Hoje é o nosso dia!!!! Beijos, Tati
Parabéns pelo dia internacional do croche!!! Farei crochê na minha comunidade.
For me, everyday is Crochet Day. I'm constantly working on something that relates to crochet, no matter if it's a project, a new pattern, the next crochet guild meeting, learning a new stitch, teaching someone else...the list goes on. Crochet is a major part of my everyday life. To celebrate this day specifically, I plan to take a charity project with me to my daughter's (she's in the band) high school football game tonight if it doesn't get rained out, as well as work on some of my other crochet-related things that may not be public today, but will be in the future.
Hasppy International Crochet Day Jimbo and others.
I am spending the day crocheting rectangles for the troops, FA awareness squares, squares to assist mental health patients and a small thread angel for a donation. I hope everyone enjoys their day.
Well Happy International Crochet Day to everyone ! I had a wonderful day in town crocheting at four coffee shops on the street and small shopping mall. Got a few names of people keen to learn when I find suitable venue, even had my photo taken by the local paper,so that will let more people know that Crochet is not a lost art as many folk seemed to think.Also, first person who stopped at my table, was actually the one person who wanted to enroll in a class I nearly ran thru a local gallery, (they needed at least five people), so now I have her contact details. I'll also take my sign tommorow when I hand out how to vote cards for local council elections, and on Sunday at my local arts craft market, and try and get even more contacts for my future crochet classes. Hey I even had a hat sale today in the mall in front of supermarket, before a security guard told me it wasn't allowed, but it was the end of the day and time to go home anyway, so I didn't mind, the hat was sold and gone already. Had lots of good chats with people I've never met before, crocheting in public is great for meeting people. Thanks Jim for the motivation. Meg-an
Don't know if we can post photos here, but I've loaded some on my Flickr page if anyone wants a sqizz, www.flickr.com/photos/artnomadix
I will be finishing up the grocery bag I've been working on. My daughter and I are planning to crochet enough so that we can eliminate the plastic bags the stores provide. That will keep a tiny fraction out of our landfills.
I will continue to promote and teach crochet through my youtube channel, http://www.youtube.com/tjw1963 and my crochet blog. I will be posting a new flower video tutorial later today. Your hook is really unique.
I didn't even know today was International Crochet Day! But now that I do know I'll be sure to crochet in public and I hope to finish (or at least get farther along) with the Amigurumi Bunny I'm making.
I hope this will post. This is the link to my crochet bullion flower video tutorial.
hola jimbo soy laura de innovart en crochet y te escribo desde montevido-uruguay, te saludo por la idea de que hoy 12/9/08 sea el día internacional del crochet, realmente a mí me ha ayudado mucho ya que lo he descubierto hace poco y es realmente una de las artes más lindas que conozco,.
Que haré este día y tratar de pasar algunos de los conocimientos que tengo para poder seguir pasando este arte ancestral. besos y me incribo para la aguja que es realmente una belleza
Yea Crochet!! The often overlooked yarn art. I will be taking my crochet to the park during my lunch break to bask in the warm sun here in Sebastopol, CA.
I will be hooking it up in the car on the ride through West Virginia, Kentucky and Virginia to my parents' house. Not the greatest way to get the art out there, but I plan on holding it up to the window at each stop-light so the cars next to me can see. :P
In honor of today, the International Crochê day, I taught two people who had never caught a needle to start their learning in crochet. Once the trabalhinhos of them are ready I will post on the blog.
The rest of the day want to be praying to be drawn.
In honor of International Crochet Day,I plan to crochet in public (possibly at the local Science Fiction Society meeting tonight), and encourage my housemate to work on her crochet.
Parabéns pela iniciativa de homenagear esta arte que nos faz tanto bem.
Um beijo,Nena
Iam going to blog about it talk about it on my group on ravelry:) and work on a hyperbolic dishcloth;)Hugs Darcy
I blogged about the holiday, wore a fantabulous crocheted jacket and told my coworkers that today is International Crochet Day.
Next year, I think we should all contact our local newspapers and local TV stations, alert them about the special day, and offer to share more about crochet.
Hi, Jimbo!
I got a degree on Business Administration and started work in a Brazilian Federal Bank. I’d worked there my whole life and since I got retired I found my life very empty so I discovered on crochet something to fulfill my time. As it worked so well to me I decided to show it to everybody. I created I blog, met new friends from all around the world. These friendships are growing to partnerships, my friend Elaine and I are creating movies to show people how to do crocheted stitch. I design and she teaches through videos. I even created a new crochet stitch named Crochet Stitch Sonia Maria.
Last year when I heard about the International Crochet Day it had already passed. So to honor the International Crochet Day this year I have working for a wile, doing a wide exposure of Crochet and its International Day. And the results are coming up, people are asking me for next year do some meetings and workshops and publish it on news, magazines and television, and let every day be a Crochet day.
Sônia Maria
hi Jim, beautiful hooks! I love your story as well. lol as a new englander i can tell you we had a "crick" as well. My hubby is native to the west coast and laughs at me about it. I was curious...do you also make and cell cable needles?
sorry....i will be busy working but sharing yarn and stories with clients throughout the day.
I am crocheting edges on several smoke rings I have made at Starbucks
I worked on a crocheted chemo hat for charity.
JeaninMaine on Ravelry
Update: I had more than 15 women show up for my "Camo-Crocheting" workshop at the Ohio Women in the Outdoors event for International Crochet Day! Some were veterans who wanted to pick my brain for new tricks & tips, but many were beginner's picking up a hook for the first time! It was a great time and fun for all!
Hi, Jimbo ....
I was very happy to be drawn !!!!!!
I will garda it forever, thank you!
It does not really speak and not write anything in the English translator of WEB even, forgive some flaws,
Abraços ... Sandra Coatti
Olá Jimbo,
Aprendi essa arte tão linda, na força de vontade(só o básico). Fiquei grávida e queria muito fazer uma manta e uma sacola para meu futuro bebe,falei com uma vizinha e pedi para que ela me ensinasse a executar as peças. Comprei a linha e ela me passou a lição ensinando ponto alto e correte e assim trabalhei, (uma carreira de ptos altos, outra de, pto alto alternados(1 pto alto, pula 2 corr, 1pto alto), trabalhei a manta e a sacola toda assim e fiquei encantada com meu 1º trabalho, depois coloquei fita de cetim e desfilava toda orgulhosa. Agora depois de 33 anos passados, se ganhar a agulha ensinarei a minha filha a fazer croche com essa agulha ecologicamente correta.
Ah! descobri esse evento visitando o blog da maravilhosa Sônia Masria.
Katia Campos
Ola estou aqui pois faço croche tbm e adoro esta arte!No dia internacional do croche,eu estou com um pojeto de uma blusa de alça feita com uma linha peludinha!Espero conseguir terminar!Muito obrigada e bons croches!!
I am taking myself and my crochet hooks, along with business cards to a KNITTERS GUILD Fibre Fair. I am going to walk around crocheting (as I often do) 8x8" squares that the charity chapter I run uses to sew together both crocheted and knitted squares into blankets to give away to any Canadian in need of warmth.
I will recruit volunteers of any kind and maybe even find more places that need blankets given to them.
I shall enjoy the company of many fibre enthusiasts armed with my hook and gentle powers of peace.
What's most important is that I can use a fabulous hobby - crochet - to help people in a tangible way.
I am going to sit and crochet tonight meditatively for the first time in ages, as I have been excessivly busy protesting about the WRC's Rally Australia, that our Government forced on locals opposed to it being run thru residential areas, and National Parks, during Koala Breeding season. Also tomorrow, which will still be Sept 12 somewhere, I will crochet at The Channon Market and teach someone to crochet.
I had to post to let you know that I taught a knitter some basic crochet stitches yesterday-and this from someone fairly new to the craft! I was in a cafe and someone asked if they could come over and watch me crochet. She was a knitter and always wanted to learn crochet. it was very liberating and exciting to crochet in public and gratifying to teach some one! So even though this didn't happen on International Crochet Day,just wanted to share.
that curious, a few days ago while conducting a study on Viagra Online, did a blog very much like this, it's amazing, the resemblance is identical ... = D
Beautiful Blog Jimbo!
Love your hooks! Love your writings, I plan on teaching my neighbor to crochet, have her started a little bit, but she wants to learn Granny Squares, so tomorrow is it!!! She will be making granny squares by days end.... wish me luck! Also going to see if my 4 yr old grandson is ready for the hook. My grand-kids are yarn obsessed! So, gonna give that a shot too. Can't hurt! After all it is International Crochet Day!!!! Grab your hooks.
I'm meeting with a group of people at a local coffee shop today to hook in public! :) Normally we are mainly a knitting group, but some of us are bistitchual.
Olá, tudo bem...
Farei um breve relato de coo aprendi a fazer esta arte que tanto gosto. Aos 7 anos, pedi para que minha mãe fizesse uma bolsa prar mim. Sentei ao lado dela e fiquei olhando, mamãe sabia fazer somente o básico no creche. Então pedi a ela que parasse de fazer e me emprestasse a lã e a agulha, terminei a bolsa, é uma pena não te-la mais, rsrs. Hoje aos 50 anos, faço croche, trico, arraiolo, tapeçaria, bordado, somente para consumo... não consigo ficar sem fazer algo, me distrai e é muito prazeroso. Gostaria muito de ter o honra de ganhar esta tão famosa agulha de croche. Ah! no dia do croche, com certeza estarei fazendo alguma a manta para o meu primeiro neto que chega no fim do ano...
Um abraço
Augustha Maciel - São Paulo- Brasil
meu email augusthamaciel@hotmail.com
Olá tudo bem? fiquei encantada com essa agulha gostaria de ganhá-la pois faço croche desde meus 9 anos sou apaixonada pela arte e no dia 12 estarei dando continuidade aos meus trabalhos começadas pois não vivo sem crochetar, obrigada abraços
I didn't know there is such a thing as International Crochet Day. I should have went to the mall and crocheted away. I'll just do it this weekend with my family!
Aaaaah Forgot all about International Crochet Day this year ....... but I did take my crochet basket with me earlier on, on the 5th Sept when I went into hospital for some major surgery. When I was recovering in the Women's Care Ward, I continued crocheting my latest hat..... and when I was discharged, sitting,crocheting again, in the waiting room of my magic Kinesiolgist, realised it is connected to another hat, that I 'cathartically' made, in 2007 when I first learnt about my fibroids.
I love crocheting in public as it really reaks the ice and gets people talking ....
LOng Live Int Crochet Day !!
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