There were lots of really great entries and pledges to donate and publicize awareness of FA, but unfortunately there's only one hook to give away, and although I'd love to give you ALL one for your generosity and kindness, Tammy Anderson wins the hook.
Thanks to you all for entering and PLEASE keep watching because I'm going to do this again and again.
Here's a hook that I'm giving away, but there's a catch.
First the hook... this is a really REALLY nice H hook, done in the Jimbo Universal Grip style. Its made from (ah shooot i can't remember) but lets say its cherry cause it looks very much like cherry, with a rich, warm earthy color. Its about 7" long and has its balance point maybe 1/2 inch back from mid length. Its very light and has a nice long shank (2 inches from tip to grip). So smooooooth its hard to put down. But....
I'll give someone this hook.
Now here's the catch.
Generous folk have purchased my "Chophooks" (scroll down to see the post) and I'm STILL selling them. But I still want to further spread awareness of what Friedreich's Ataxia is and how it affects the afflicted kids and their families.... and in doing that, maybe interest some to donate or do something to help raise funds to forward research for a treatment or cure (which really IS within reach... its just a matter of time and $$$)
So the contest rules:
1. go to the Friedreich's Ataxia website
2. read about the affliction, and about at least one of the kids from the topic "Meet Some Families". All the stories there are moving but the one Kevin's mom wrote is one that really struck me.
3. Email me at
and simply tell me you'd like to enter the contest.
Please note that I'm NOT making a donation a condition for entry in the contest. But I DO ask that you look at the FA site and let your heart lead you from there; maybe you'd bring up the topic at work, put FARA on your company's list for donations, pass the word on your blog, or make something and sell it for a donation. Of course donations to further research are the ultimate goal, but for this.. just whatever strikes you as reasonable. Its totally up to you.
Oh.. and the contest will close next Wednesday, Jan. 16 at 10pm Pacific Std time.
Thanks you guys
Hi, Jimbo :) I wanted to thank you for visiting my blog. I have been looking around yours. Beautiful area you live in. And you have a great talent. I just received my very first hand carved crochet hook today. I hope to get an entire set of hooks one day but I have to wait for awhile before I purchase anymore as I am out of work for the moment and funds are tight.
As for the photo of the hook, I found that online. I just go to Google Images and look for crochet hooks. That one was one of several in the photo, so I cropped out the rest and colored the background to match my banner :)
Hope to see you again sometime!
Hey Jimbo, JoAnn from Iowa, you are doing a WONDERFUL justice for the people livin with this horribe desease. I did go to the web site, and read most everything. I hope with the money you are helping to raise, it can help some people out and help finding a cure,Bless you Jim my friend! I am not going to enter the hook give away, but wantd you to know your very NOBEL.
Hugs JoAnn
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