No more dallying and shilly shallying around. Its high time we got this auction on the road. Christmas is coming!
Anyways..check out these hooks and see if they might be worthy of your bids.
Oh, just to give you an idea of scale.. that's a store-bought Susan Bates P hook you see at the bottom of the picture.
Ok lets start at the far left and call this hook #1. This is a Deadman Crick spalted Hazel Nut M hook with a useful shank about 5 1/2 inches long. Overall length is about 8 1/4 inches. It has the special tapered hook sides and lip relief that should minimize snagging an accumulaton of loops as they are slid off the shank.
Next hook to the right will be hook #2. This is a real beauty with blond and brown grain in stark contrast. I included a universal grip (a finger grip that wraps around the hook)... and its made from a mystery crick wood (cant remember which tree or bush it came from. Sizewise its a K and is a little over 7 inches long.
To the right is a Deadman Crick Apple hook #3. This one has a thumb grip best suited to an overhand grip. And its rare. Its a ts a G! I haven't kept track, and somebody tell me if I'm wrong, but I don't think i've ever made a G before. Oh and its 6 3/4 inches long.
Next(Hook #4) comes what's become a Jimbo Trademark. A modified egg hook. This hook style is amazing to grip for an overhand crochetier. Heck, you can even simply wrap your pinky around that smooth recess and hold the hook that way while the remaining fingers are free to play. The hook's made of Deadman crick Apple, and is a J, with the tapered hook sides and slightly rounded lip that seem to beg to be used for bullions. The whitish color you see on the bulb is a filler I used to smooth out a knot crack (no danger to the hook).
Now the white hook (hook #5). This one's an I hook that's made from Western Washington Madrona. Very pretty light colored wood with subtle but knockout gorgeous grain when you look up close. Its just a little short of 7 inches.
And another mystery wood hook(Hook #6). It has the universal grip (a wrap around recess) and as such, so should be equally useful for over or underhand crochetiers. The Hook's an I and is about 7 inches long. The hook is very lightweight and thin at the handle end for better balance.
Now lets move down. You'll find hook #7 at the bottom of the picture. This is a hand carved hook, made from the venerable Apple Tree. I left a little bark on the handle to remind the owner of the hook's origin. See the little bend at the handle end? Its an N and is about 7 1/2 inches long.
And last but way from the least is a Redwood Nostepinde. This Redwood is some that I found with some ribbon figure that is just amazing, but unfortunately can't be well photographed. Trust me, its beautiful. About 9 1/2 inches long and light as a feather.
Ok so let the bidding begin! You can bid simply by emailing me at
I'll try to post bids as they come in.
Lets set this to close on Dec. 5 at 10 pm Pacific Standard Time.
Thanks for your patience!!
#1 Is getting an inferiority complex with no bids. Will no one save this pretty thing from the land of misfit hooks?
Here she comes to save the day!! JoAnn bids $12.50
only to be out-saved by Del.... $15
Bonnie's the high bidder at $20!
#2 Here's Megan with $20
Erin likes her hook and wants another.. $21
Dennie gets this one for $30!
#3 Del bids $15
Jeanne raises to $25
Del owns this one for $30!
#4 Lisa is first in with $20
Del's here too with $25
Lisa gets it for $30!
#5 Del again with $15
Erin is back for another hook...$17
Del's back again with $20
Erin gets her second Jimbo hook for $21!
#6 Deja vu! Del with $15
Erin too... $17
JoAnn is here with a big bump.. to $30
Dennie likes this one too... $35 but the bid came a wee bit late cause
Becca's earlier bid of $35 wins!
#7 Vicki is back with $15
Bonnie is here too with $20
Dennie gets another one.. $35!
Noste: Del with $15
Bonnie gets the beautiful Noste for $20!
what in the world is that large thing on the right??
I love the looks of your hooks...going to have to get one someday.
enjoy your blog!
Well Jimbo, I MUST go over to ebay and see if I can sell a kidney..why oh why does this happen to me when I been off work for my health????? Do they even take kidneys from lupus patient? Blood? Maybe I can sell my blood to a vampire....well crap, I will have to FORCE myself to NOT bid, gee whiz Jimbo, to do this to me!!!
A noste been waiting for one of those.Good luck with the computer
and Happy Thanksgiving too.
The hooks look wonderful
Well, Jim??? I haven't heard from you since the computer work last week. Is it working? I did find my way through your maze and back again, so my wife isn't missing me. The sharp knives came in handy on Thanksgivin, as did the wine. Don't worry, I'm saving the good stuff!
Yay!!! Thank you Mr. Jimbo!!
Estou encantada com o seu blog e as suas agulhas que descobri através da Sónia de http://falandodecrochet.blogspot.com/.
Eu também adoro agulhas e tenho algumas antigas que herdei.
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