tatatatatatatata TAT...
KelleBelle... Please email me, Kelle and collect your button!!
Next up? The EGG HOOK!!
Drawing #4 the grand finale:
entry and drawing date to be announced.... stay tuned!
This is one of my original EGG hooks that I developed way back in '05 or so in an effort to help folks who have hand trouble and have had to either cut back crocheting or stop altogether. Anyways, if you've been wondering if an egg hook would help YOU, here's your chance for a FREE one. I made this a larger size (L) so you can use it for really fun, fast projects. Its 5 inches long.
So I'll post in the comment sections below here, and you can post a comment as your entry...
Remember this will be the last NATCROMO giveaway from Jimbo.. But mark your calendars!! INTERNATIONAL CROCHET DAY is coming this Sept. 12. BIG Day!!! I'll be doing something spectacular for that day when ALL crochetiers go out and promote crochet!
What's NATCROMO??? Why National Crochet Month! Not to be confused with International Crochet Day, which falls on September 12th, National Crochet Month, celebrated for the month of March, has been around much longer. I'll confess, I didn't know about NATCROMO when I came up with the idea of International Crochet Day, but I think there is plenty room on the calendar for both and both serve a great cause... promoting the Art of Crochet everywhere.
So in celebration of NATCROMO, I'll be doing a number of give aways here in the blog.
Here comes give-away number 3!
Who's got the button? YOU, if you win this drawing!!
This is a one of a kind first ever in the Universe hand-made-by-Jimbo maple burl button! Its just shy of 2 inches in diameter and is about a quarter inch thick. Just the right accent for that bag you're crocheting? Cinchy! Just enter to win by posting a comment below!
I'll announce the winner next Tuesday, March 17, at 10am Pacific Standard Time.
I'll only draw from entries for the button, so if you've entered before and NOT won, please enter separately for the button (if you like maple burl buttons, that is).
And spread the word about NATCROMO!!
Oh and foreign entries are welcome!!
First winner:
drum roll. tatatatatatatatatata TAT..... Serena!! Now you have a pin for your first Shawl, Serena... please send me a photo of your shawl with the pin and I'll post it in the blog. Oh and email me your address if you would.
Thanks to all who entered... and don't dispair! I'll do another one of these and you can start entering now. I've entered a picture below, labled Pin #2 All who didn't win and others can enter again for the next pin.
and now Pin #2!!
The second winner IS......tatatatatatatatatatTAT MARATEA36!!! You know its interesting. I use a random number generator to pick the winners and for the first winner the number was 22. And the second winner? Number 22 again! Amazing? Coincidence?? Twilight zone stuff goin on here. Anyways, Maratea, if you'd email me an address, I'll be sending your pin/stick along shortly!.
Thanks again everyone for entering. And there will ba prize #3 coming up here VERY soon so drop by again!
Actually shawl pins and hair sticks are as old with my craft as crochet hooks. Pins are pretty fun to do, but not as fulfilling as Crochet Hooks, and I doubt I'll change my focus much, but on a whim I made these little fellas from a piece of genuine Deadman Crick Fir, 6 5/8 inches long and decided to give them to YOU (if you're the winner) to start off the celebration. We have Serena as our first winner, now its time to enter for the Pin #2.
As you see, both of these little sticks have great versatility in that they are reversible... honey color on one side, rust on the other. Both colors are totally natural. The sticks grew that way and the only thing I did to help them along to become a shawl pin / hair stick was to whittle it down a bit and smooth it out.
Don't have a ring for the pin??? Never fear! Jimbo's here! heh.. Just go to my friend Pam Gillette's website. What a talented person she is.. and so creative! In fact her instructions show using a crochet hook as the pin! (which bytheway that hook you see in her instructions???? Well it just HAPPENS to be a Jimbo Hook. Gotta love that Pam!!) So there you go...
Here's the link to Pam's site:
http://knottygeneration.blogspot.com/2007/09/make-your-own-shawl-pin.html (and if that doesn't work, just Google Pam Gillette Shawl Pin)
And here's an inspiration for beaded Shawl Pin Rings. VERY pretty, Alice!!
Here's HER link: (and i gave up on trying to insert this as a clickable link. Sorry i'm such a blogdummy) Anyways you can block and copy her address to your browser.. that'll work.....
What are YOU doing to promote Crochet? hmmmmm?
That shaw pin would be the perfect finish to the many shawls I have been crocheting with my very own Jimbo hook!
Ohhh...pretty pin!
My daughter will confiscate this if I win! It's beautiful.
Thats a beauty!! Who ever wins will treasure it for sure. I know I would. Thanks for sharing!
I knew you could do more than hooks! =) Beautiful work as always. No shawls in progress but I am growing my hair!! Perfect for keeping the hair out of my way when crocheting!
Jimbo, you are just too sweet! Thank you so much for the compliment on my shawl pins. Just a clarification it's http://craftioergosum.blogspot.com/
I'm promoting NATCROMO by bidding on jimbo's great hooks!
I will grow out my hair just to wear this beautiful masterpiece!
That is Brilliant!! you never cease to amaze!
What an awesome shawl pin and what a wonderful way to promote NATCROMO!! You're very talented!!
As normal JImbo, you have managed to help Mother Nature transform her gifts into useful tools for us mere mortals to enjoy. It is truely a special gift God has given you to not only be able to make the instrument, but the minds eye to see what the piece of wood was intended to become.
You have an amazing talent. I don't think I could ever do your craft that well.
I like the look and I still use hair sticks to help keep my hair up, they don't brack the hair like succies do, I love it and would love to see it in my hair
I love it and I am one of those who still use them in my hair, it keeps it up and doesn't brake the hair, this this a very nice peice of work, I have seen your hooks on here and Ilove them, one day one of them will be mine
Just went to Pam's site thanks so much I love some of her work Thank you for site informatiom
Those pins are so neat! I love seeing what you create.
Jimbo, what a beautiful shawl pin! Absolutely gorgeous!
Well thank the god Lord that I made it out of the hospital for THIS!! Jeeeezzzzzz Jimbo, how horrible would that have been had I lost my chance??? Lovely Jimbo, as usual, anything you touch turns into gold!! I would have a hard time deciding between using it in my hair or my shawl, proboly both! I will go look at Pams site too. What am I doing to promote NATCROMO? Well I am still crocheiting for the VGGC, even in my sickness....does that get me anywhere?? lol...
Very nice - I simply love the shape of it.
Nice shaw pin. I have admired Jimbo's crochet hooks for a very long time. I wish I could afford to bid on one. Maybe I will win the shawl pin. :)
What a grand way to mark NATCRMO!
Besides of course crocheting, I am teaching another class on crochet edgings on fleece and one of our local libraries (I actually work in the system) is teaching breginning crochet classes. Spreading the message of Crochet!
This would be so beautiful on my just-completed first shawl! And I can only hope to make the next one on a Jimbo hook... I so love the organic quality of your creations.
And BTW? We call 'em cricks where I come from too!
Jimbo lovely as always. I loved reading the comments here, everyone loves your talent and I am no different. I try to promote crochet every day, it is a lovely craft and I am lucky to be a part of your group of owneres of hooks. I know that whoever wins this will cherish it as it is one of god's creations in colors and yours in design.
Amazing, as always, kind sir!
And btw--forgot to leave what I am doing to promote crochet! I send and deliver crocheted caps to brain surgery patients at various hospitals all around the country. Having had my head shaved several times for some of my 15 surgeries, being given a crocheted cap someone has thoughtfully made is such a kind treat. It not only feels so good physically but brings hope, confidence, and self-esteem; this is priceless in such a fragile time.
When the local Neuro ICU staff sees me coming, they call out, "It's the Crochet Girl!!! We need you!"
Hmm, I didn't say what I was doing to promote NATCROMO. I take my crocheting wherever I go and I'll talk to anyone I can about it. Also, I'm going to help a knitting friend with her crocheting (I probably won't convert her, but a gal can try!)
We'll start taking entries for pin #2 from here on till that pin is won and so on. Good Luck!!
Oh Wow! A second chance! Cool! I'm in! And I didn't say last time what I'm doing to promote NATCROMO... by croheting!! I can't tell ya how many times people at work stop and see what I'm making and one gal keeps saying, "I'd love to learn how to do that." I tell her I'd be happy to show her, but as of yet she has not taken me up on it... We'll see about that! LOL!
I am in for pin #2!!!!!!! My hair is waist length so this would be perfect. I also have a couple of shawls it would look great with! I am currently making a purse for NATCROMO!
Congrats to the first winner! Maybe I'll have better luck the second time around, lol! Thanks for a second chance, Jimbo!
Thats great, what am doing to help with NATCROMO, Iam working on an afghan called the afghan of HOPE A TIME TO REMEMBER, And from the help of others all over, squares are being sent in the name of a loved one or someone that has passed from cancer, this will be a travling afghan, IN the Hope of letting others know cancer hurts us all, and just yesterday, I started to teach a friend how to crochte and thats going to be fun Thanks again for the second chance
I absolutely love your work!
Well, I forgot to share what I'll be doing:
It seems that some young girls in our homeschool library circle have taken a BIG interest in crocheting, so this Friday, I'm supposed to get together with them and their moms to teach crochet!!!
Hi ya Jimbo:) Im in for the pin I dont have a shawl made but I can rectify that asap:) heehee
Oh! I'm so excited! I will definitely send you a picture, and thank you for a wonderful incentive to start on another shawl (after I weave in those pesky ends)! I'll be a walking advertisement for Jimbo beauties and crochet.
I'll send address by PM. Good luck, everybody!
What am I doing for NATCROMO? Well, I am working hard at *Crochet!* and *Crochet World* magazines (gratuitious name dropping :) ) I am also beginning my very first sweater, which is being made with a Jimbo hook!
Congrats Serena. and I look forward to more beutiful items from your talented fingers.
Serena, Congratulations I know any of us would treasure one of Jimbo's creations.
Next weekend I will become a teacher for our town's craft group, I am so excited, yet a little afraid as well. One of my customer's has talked me into it. She wants to learn, as I am told many of the women in the group do as well. There ages range from 19 to 90 so this should be fun. Many are quilters, so I can show them how to combine crochet and sewing together to make beautiful comforters. I seriously can't wait.
Congrats, Serena -- and yes, let's see the pin on your new shawl!
Talked to one of my Project Linus regulars about NATCROMO when she dropped off a beautiful ripple afghan this afternoon -- and how wonderful your hooks are, Jimbo.
Sharing tips on crochet for National Crochet Month!
And, yes, I want to enter for the second prize!
I've been reading your blog for awhile and it always gives me inspiration to start a new project. Count me in on the second contest.
Congrats Serena!! Your one lucky gal!! Heck, I even went over to Pams site and was begging for that Pink Carusso shawl..lol..she SAID it was big, and hey, I am big.
Jimbo, your an amazing man, I want to just personally thank you for all you do for the souls of us crchetiers. HUGS JoBug AKA JoAnn
I love your work. Like others have said, this pin would be a perfect compliment to the shawls created with my Jimbo Crochet Hooks! It would also make a great birthday present (mine is March 9).
Catherine in NY
Congrats Serena! And Jimbo-- pin number 2 is gorgeous too! What a great way to celebrate NATCROMO. It makes me want to get out one of my Jimbo hooks and crochet a new shawl for NATCROMO!
Very elegant!
Everything you make is so unique, love the looks of each item
What a lovely pin! I'm working on a shawl right now that it would make a charming addition to ;)
Oh, that pin would look lovely on the shawl I am making for my mom. Your work is absolutely beautiful.
I would love a pin! I have a lovely prayer shawl that it would go very well with :-)
Beautiful work, as always!
I am making a shawler for a friend who is always creating things and surprising friends with them to cheer their spirits, just for the sheer joy of it. She never does things for herself.
I would love to have a pin to put on a shawl!
Hey there Jimbo!
Had to stop by from my Crick and visit over here at yours to catch a glimpse of these NATCROMO shawl pins you've created!
What a great idea! And the best part is they are not only real purty buy so very useful in keeping the shawls where they should be on the shoulders!
Shuttlebuggy from the 'Ville!
Those shawl pins are beautiful!
This one is just a beautiful as the first one. Well, I best be getting back to crocheting a baby blanket and thinking of how to teach a 5 yr old to crochet..... Good luck to all that have entered for this pin!!!!!
You are truly a generous soul! What a beautiful piece of work this pin is. Whoever wins will cherish this for sure. I certainly hope for some luck.
pin 2 is great!
Comments from here on are for the Maple Burl Button..... Good Luck!!
You make such beautiful things!
Now Jimbo, that is a very nice button, it's so pretty That I wouldn't use it as a button, but rather a necklace. A crocheted suede yarn piece would be all you need.
Wow! Way cool button Jimbo!! I'm just sure I could make use of that one. *wink*
Very nice button. I love the grain in it.
I love your wood crochet items! Wish I could afford them. I would love to win the button!
Well Jimbo, that is a B-E-A-U-T_Y, and I would SURELY use it on a shawl! It would be perfect in fact for that, well I AM making a cotton bag too for a friend, I "could" use it on that, but that would be so selfless of me, so that wont hapen...lol..
I continue to promote NATCROMO myself Jimbo by using my "get Well" hook making new baby hats it is PERFECT. So again, being the selfish girl I am, I would LOVE to enter this contest for this button.
Hugs and Hoooks
JoAnn AKA JoBug
Wow, buttons too? Another beautiful job Jimbo!
Oooh, that's pretty!
You continue to amaze and inspire us, Jimbo! LOVE the button -- on a shawl -- or one of the one button sweaters? Have some yarn that might just have found its purpose if I am so lucky to win the button!
Crocheted at Knit Night and explained that the world is a better place with both techniques of using fiber! Yeah, they laughed too!
I am promoting crocheting by helping my daughter and her friends to learn the craft. I also take my crocheting anywhere and have found it to be a great conversation starter and a way to encourage others to crochet. They CAN do it!
The button is beautiful and would find it's way on a purse or a lapel pin.
Thanks for the great giveaways!
Hi ya!! Love the button - it sure is purdy! It just might be enough to help knock me out of my crocheting funk....here's hoping that the lucky number generator really likes my number! *grin*
Oh my I love the button ....
Love the button! How can I not? You've got such a knack at bringing out the natural beauty in all the wood you handle, Jim!
I'm spreading the word not only about NatCroMo, but also of your give-a-ways!
Gorgeous shawl pins, and that's a heck of a button!! I think I'll switch to my crochet hooks for the month!
Mr. Jimbo, may I PLEASE have that beautiful button??
The button is lovely - I collect butons, but this one may be a little large to fit in the button box!
Will you include me in the draw for this one?
First crochet hooks, then shawl pins, and now buttons?!? It's a beauty just like everything else you create! I would be honored to own it!
I love looking at hooks, you have such a wonderful talent.
Button is beauuuuutious Jimbo! Hoping the luck of the Irish is not just in finding the four leafed shamrock but the winning of this little gem!
WOW!!!! That is Beautiful! Thinking of all the different items I could put that button onto. =) I am crocheting every chance I have no matter where I am, at home, in the car, at the doctors office, the library and anywhere else I am.... Perfect month and weather to be crocheting outside. Thanks for the inspirations!!!!!
Just heard about you on the "Getting Loopy" radio show... Congrats on your "Flamie" award!! You do beautiful work, you deserve it!!
Now that is what I call a button! I love it!
And now, the comments below this one will be for the EGG HOOK!!
Good luck, and Happy NATCROMO!!!
Oh, my gosh!! You do wonderful work. Congratulations on the Flamie award. Your egg hook is beautiful. It would be an excellent Mothers Day gift for my mom. She has severe arthritis in her hands and has a hard time holding hooks. Keep up the great work.
Jimbo! So cool! I've just recently seen these type of hooks and they look comfortable on the hands. Count me in! Yours is just beautiful.
How did I miss the shawl pins??? They are so beautiful! And the button as well!!
But sign me up for that Egg Hook!! It is lovely.
I plan on promoting National Crochet Month by crocheting twice as much as I normally do...if that's possible :-)
Giveaway #4 is THE giveaway to crochet for! This is a neat hook. How about making one for your library for those who might like to use this type of hook, but isn't the lucky winner?
Oh, an egg hook! Have admired these for a while -- fingers are crossed... well, for a moment -- can't crochet with crossed fingers!
The Egg Hook is AWESOME! And it sure would help my arthritis!
I'd love to win it.
WHAT??? I lost for the BUTTON....I am HEART broken here!!!!! Well I will be a dirty bird!! I even started the shawl for it!!!! That number generator is NOT my friend!!
So, I guess I will go in my corner and CRY...booo hoooooooooooo
I guess I can hope for the egg hook, but it aint got my excitment like that there button, oh not that it isnt BEAUTIFUL, I just thought that button was in the stars, for me, lol
Love you Jim!! JoBug
My god Jim, I wish I had your talent
I can think of more than one person who might enjoy this hook for Mother's Day or birthday.
Nice work!
Oh my, love that Egg hook!
It would make my day If I was the lucky winner of the egg hook!!!!! I just love it. Even as I type this I am imagining all the projects I can make with it!
Okay I want it want it want it Jimbo...lol..I want the egg hook too!! See, I am a selfless hooker, who will walk to the END of the earth to have ANYTHING you make!!!
PLEASE NUMBER GENERATOR...be my friend..lol...cause Jim is!!
I'm in on this one, I might get lucky,Jimbo good job on winning you know it went to the right person,Know one makes hooks like you.and what am I doing for NATCROMO is I learned some new stitches,and I'm teaching others the art of crochet
An egg Jimbo hook? I found a penny on the sidewalk today.... maybe it's my lucky day?????????
Hope so.
Jimbo, congratulations on your Flamie award!
Ohhhh, an egg hook! How gorgeous, as always, Congrats on the award, you deserve it!!
What fantastic hooks buttons and pins! You're incredible. Cant wait to get my fingers around one of these hooks.
Wow that is so cool! This hook would be so much fun to crochet with...
I joined the traveling hook III!
I'm really looking forward to getting my hands on a Jimbo hook - even if it is only for a week. I have plans for several squares in royal blue and white.
Jimbo, thanks so much for helping to spread awareness of FA.
Jimbo, that is one fabulous looking egg hook! Has anyone thought about making a NATCROMO parade-- with crocheted floats and a band (the Drum Major could carry a big Crochet Hook instead of a baton) Whadda'ya think?
I just found out about your site. Love the hooks you have made! The egg hook would be absolutely wonderful to have! It is simply amazing. I can just imagine all the projects I would use it for!
I'm doing my part here to promote crochet.
Happy NATCROMO to you,
Happy NATCROMO to you,
Happy NATCROMO to you,
Happy NATCROMO Jimbo and all your subscribers,
I want that egg it looks like it would be good in the hands of someone with RA and it likes easy told hold I really need this hook
I haven't been crocheting much recently due to hand pain. That egg hook looks like it could be a big help in getting me going again!
Puff puff - nearly missed the deadline for this one- (egg hook)-so I'm running as hard as I can, to put my name down.
I looked at the picture of this hook, and I could almost feel the wood in my hands - it looks so tactile, amd so smooth.
see Jimbo I done got bumped you should have hid it so knoe one nknew thats ok better luck next time thanks for tell me about it
ok girls lets not get to crazy on this I would love to own one of these one day, its hard when your moneys tight,If my husband know I was doing this I get killed !!HA HA good luck to you all
I would love to try the egg hook. Looks comfy and fun to use.
That hook looks amazing. A hook like that would be a wonderful addition to my crafting set.
NATCROMO is all most over and I have done a lot of learning,new stitches new patterns and been teaching my nephew,and friend both the art of crochet and have enjoyed each and every trick.I have been doing this for a long time and I was my teacher,I now know there's a world other then change or granny I have learned a lot from my friends at crochetville so thats what I have been doing for NATCROMO
That egg hook looks deliciously wonderful!
I love the egg hook. I'd love to be entered!
Well, Jimbo, I have been eyeing your hooks for a long time and itching for a chance to see if the egg hooks really are easier for hands like mine (Carpel tunnel syndrome). What do I do for crochet? I make items for charity, I make things for people, and if they want to learn I teach those people too. Even if I don't win, one day I'll get to bid on one of your beautiful hooks. You really do deserve awards.
I'm still learning crochet, but, I have a whole list of projects to do and three that I'm in the middle of. Jimbo everyone raves about your hooks I can't wait until I can try to win one thanks!
Love your Egg Hook! Sure would like to give it a good home! (hint! hint!--pick me!)
I enjoy reading your blog and LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the gorgeous scenery around your cabin!
Love the button and hairsticks, very pretty!
Aahaa! Fingers crossed for the egg hook!!!
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