Wednesday, May 24, 2006


We have a winner!!! In a record time of about 45 seconds, and from sunny UK, Susanne Barrow (yarncrazy)became the very first winner!

But there's one more hook to give away, and i'll be announcing a new contest soon, so keep checking back. It'll be another one like this, but with more clues. Sheesh!! this one went too fast!

here's the old clue:

Somewhere in this blog (remember there are archives included) there is mention of a device i used for self defense.

Next contest will be similar but with more clues.

Thanks for visiting!



Anonymous said...

What a great idea. I gave it a shot :) Once I found it though I was flustered because I couldn't find your yahoo email address...hehe. I sent it through crochetville. Dunno if that counts, but I bet someone beat me to it anyway. was fun :)

Deneen said...

For the next contest (just a suggestion), put all the names of the people who guessed correctly within 24 hours into a hat and pull a name (please :P)

DixieRedHead said...

that is a great idea deneen. jimbo ur so awesome for doing this. I'm looking fwd to ur next contest. Congrats to the winner of this one too.