Just a little update. Today was the opening day at the store, and my first half day. I guess i'll be teaching a carving class in April at the store. I'm a bit uneasy about that cause i really haven't had any formal training myself... but i'll give it a go.
Another half day tomorrow, but this time i might get some free time after for a little whittling. Still way behind on orders. Making some fun hooks though. The one for Roli is a Q for a pencil grip hold style. The shape brings out some fascinating grain shapes. I'll have to post a picture when its done.
Also i'm doing a couple hooks with Boye style ends. Interesting but alot more difficult to do than Bates in-line.
Oh, and keep watching this spot... i'll be posting pictures of some for-sale hooks soon (maybe even the one pictured above).
Jim, That's a gorgeous hook!
Congrats on the teaching gig,I am SURE you will ROCK as a teacher!
Can't wait to see more of your work!
Congrats on getting to teach; you'll be amazed at how much you'll learn in the process and you'll be an even better carver than before!!
And the hook looks amazing!
thanks guys... i need the moral support, not to mention a helluva lot more knowledge beyond whittling. My Buck pocket knife and two chip carving knives are a pretty humble collection against the hundreds (literally!) of different carving tools they sell at Woodcraft.
But i'm learning and hope i have something to pass on to others. We'll see.
Thanks again guys!
wish i was closer i would come be a student !! how fun!
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