Here's a Q hook i made for Ann. I selected the wood for the gentle curve and the resulting grip, which seems to be much more comfortablet than a straight hook. Even though the diameter of the handle is a bit larger than the throat area, i'm thinking the comfort should be ok if not better.
This hook is committed, however, i can make others. Because they take even longer, i'll have to ask more..$20.00 and maybe a bit of shipping (not likely more than $2 in the US for regular mail)
Doing this in a rush on accounta i have to go to work. What a great woodworking store Woodcraft is. I never knew they made so many different carving tools!
More later.
Nice hook! I'm glad you are liking the new job; sounds like you fit right in there!~
i like that too .. if i didnt have 3 Q's already i would be in line LOL.. i still need to send you the steels for my wood handles for them .. hmm
glad you are liking work even though it cuts into hook time !
I love your hooks! You are very talented. -Pam
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