Took this shot from the cabin building site, just to give you an idea of the view we have and the concrete piers that have been poured so far. Several of those piers were paid for by funds raised by my crochet hook whittling business.
The view extends south across our little meadow and up through the foothills of Hoodoo Mountain.
When I arrived there Thursday afternoon, I heard coyotes calling. It was the first time in years I've heard coyotes up there. Eerie but musical sounds when there is no other noise but the faint rustle of the crick in the distance and the occasional pat of snow dropping from the trees.
It gets so quiet up there that once when I was out standing and gazing around, a raven flew over and I could hear the wing beats as it flew by.
Thursday I spent gathering wood for more crochet hooks, and carving as many as I could, including the traveling hook I posted below. I did this work inside our trailer. Worked at it in earnest because I knew I'd be going to my new job at Woodcraft on Monday (today) and I had orders to fill.
Friday I made 5 more and did some exploring in the beautiful sunlight after a fresh snowfall.
Here is what the parent of the traveling hook looks like in winter... and yes those are my tracks in the snow.

It's gorgeous there.
I always loved to listen to the coyotes. It always sounded so sadly beautiful.
Yeah... specially in winter when sound carries so far. I'm already homesick and its only been a couple days since i was up there.
I love your photos. The place is incredible and was well worth the effort it took to get it back in the family. Good for you and the next generations of little Jimbos and Jimbas to come!
You have a way with words, Jimbo! and it looks so peaceful and serene there. I can even "see" the cabin :) Although I'm jealous of the snow you've got!
Thanks! Kelle! its good to hear from you! And thanks for not commenting on my very crood piers... i know they're way out of line and funny looking, especially with the snow bonnets on them but it's slowly coming together.
How's your friend's hook working?
And thanks again Drew for your comments and especially making that button for me! I'm thinking about asking Kari or Lizbeth to put it in here.
What a nice thing to do, Dude!
oh and i already got some jimbo's and one jimba... and three sons to take the place when i go to that great whittling ground in the sky. Hopefully the ranch won't ever get away from the family again.
holey moley you guys work fast!!! Thanks a bunch for adding the "buttons" (i guess that's what they're called, right?)
Damit i gotta go to work, but i couldn't leave without saying a heartfelt thank you. You get a notion, please feel free to add yours and any others you/we might like to see there.
You guys are WAY too good to me.
looks like a good place for snow angels !
hehe well i made something in the snow but it didn't look much like an angel... tripped over a windfall on a hike down to the crick. I spose the mark looked more like an amoeba than an angel. Bet the traveling hook gets to you today. And the adventure begins. Wouldn't it be great to be a little wood bug in that hook and take a hike around the world with it!?
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