ahhhh so peacefull
Ok back to reality, or at least as close is i get to there.. I'm about 8 hooks behind and here i sit, writing in my blog. See what a monster you created, Threekari? Plus i have some contract patent stuff to do too. Oh man, life's so tough (thats a joke, son, life's good.....
Ok to the point... here's an idea i've been tossing around in my twisted head. A traveling hook. I'd make a hook and send it to someone who would make a square, send the square to me and send the hook on to someone else who would make a square, send it to me, and so on. And the hook would end up back with someone in charge of the tip bucket in C'ville to be auctioned off, and i could send the squares to someone who could join them in an awsome wall hanging to be auctioned off as well. Seems like a fun thing to do, doesn't it?
threekari? LOL
Sounds like a fabulous idea! And just so happens Elizabeth ran the first silent auction so I wuld tlak to her about it
umm yeah what kari said..i could be the last person on the hook trip..but it needs to start happening soon .. cause the next auction is slated for like april..
and you k now they can just send the squares to me .. i would join them !
I would completely love to be a part of the traveling hook expedition! :) I've promised myself I won't order a hook from you until I have a full-time job because what's a better celebration prize than a gorgeous, handmade hook???
That sounds like an awesome idea...what a treasure that afghan and hook would become...I want to be a part of this.
So far I've discussed it with Elizabeth, who did last year's auction and has some fantastic insight about how this kind of thing might be done. We'll see how it pans out on paper outside C'ville till its more fully baked, and then post something for sign up. Tiff and Pink... if you have some ideas too, and i'm sure you have some good ones please email.
At this point, since the April auction is so close, we're thinking about using a year to complete the thing for the following year's auction. That way the hook and squares can go all over the world with less rush.
I like the idea! I also think giving it a year to complete is better. As pretty much everyone (at least those who've commented here lol) knows, mail can take forever (a week-ten days for Priority, 4-8 weeks if sent the cheapest route) to get to/from me way over here. I'd love to participate though =) If it gets to me before we leave here, I can pass it on to another European via German mail, which is pretty quick.
Thanks Marvie... i had you and the other overseas bunch in mind because it would be so nifty to have a world representation in the final product.
and I Elizabeth's got the auction of to a fantastic start (what a Gem!), so if its ok with you guys, lets keep this in our mental file cabinet and bring it up again after April.
Might not be a bad idea for some pre-project planning here though eh?
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