This first shot is some buttons i made a while back, from a chunk of maple. The dark part is the bark. I call them Primal Buttons. Sold a few, but as is goes with me i can't efficiently make them so they will have to go for $3.00 each.

The next is of a towel rack bracket i did for the downstairs bathroom. I like the little carved lock pin, and screw hole cover dowels (made from sticks)

Here we have what i like to call a jimbo wall hanging. It makes use of simple sticks i picked up, and a sawn cross section of a branch for the moon. This and a few other pieces were on an exhibit in my hometown a couple years back.
I like to make these but they're almost too fragile to ship, i'm thinking.

Here, is a detail of a hanger i made to display a quilt in our living room. Don't know if you can see, but the quilt hangs from between a pair of re-sawn slats that clamp the quilt via some decorative rosette fasteners. Ends of the slats poke through square mortises i cut in the wall mounted brackets. The top forms a small shelf. This one's made of fir.

And, at the risk of boring you too much, i'll end with my little forest. I bet i've made several hundred of these little accent pieces. I call them "Who" forests cause they remind me of Dr. Seuss trees. Each set is one-off cause i don't follow a pattern. Haven't thought about selling these over the net, on accounta they're pretty difficult to pack, but if you just HAVE to have some, let me know and I'll give it a try.. they're typically about 14" high x 18" long and about 2" thick. Price? What do you think they're worth?

Ok, that's it for tonight... its late. I'll try to add more tomorrow, but then it'll be probably till Thursday before you see another entry. I'm going to the crick to check up on things and catch up on my hook orders! No phone or net access there, but i'll take my camera and hopefully be able to show you some shots of the area when i return.
i love the buttons and the WHO treess.. did you know the Grinch is my all time fave ??
I love those buttons. I love buttons period, but those are soooo cool and pretty and unique looking. Fabulous work! Eevrything else is wonderful as well, especially the forest but those buttons... dang.
Thanks guys...sent some buttons a bit like that to Australia oncet. If i do any more i think i'll ask whoever gets them to post a picture of how they're used.
And as to the trees, they're a kick to do. Probably throw away too many getting to the right sizes and shapes, but i usually like the results. Plus it gives my bandsaw a bit of exercise.
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