Photo 1 (click to enlarge... its worth it!)
Photo 2 (click to enlarge... this is worth it too!)
Ok folks.... due to HUGE popularity of the last ironwood hook, I've made another. This time the wood is two tone. You might have trouble believing this... but the hook in photo 1 is the same as the hook on the left in photo 2! And neither photo does the hook justice. You just have to experience it up close and personal. The salt and pepper side of the hook looks rough... oh noooo its not, not at all. Smooooth as a Jimbo hook otta be, and a MAJOR contrast with the other side which has the same salt and pepper at the hook end, but a framed masterpiece of nature in the multi red, bronze, honey.. and well like I say, you just HAVE to see it in person. If I had to choose, of all the hooks I've made, this one would be in the top 5 for grain beauty. Nuff said. Technically, its a 6 1/2 inch long F (3.75mm)! You don't see many Jimbo F hooks, but then you don't see many Jimbo Ironwood hooks either. The ironwood is strong enough that I feel confident making the smaller size. I had to sharpen my tools twice while making this single hook. Oh and this beauty is 6 1/2 inches long.
And the other hook?? Well its no slouch either! This is another Flowering Crab apple hook with contrasting grain going from a hint of pink cream to the layers of color you see in photo 2. I think I've told you the story about the friend who had a little pile of this wood waiting for his firepit. Just think of it.. all that beauty sacrificed for a fleeting hour or so of mesmerizing fire. Well needless to say I rescued some pieces that were in line for the sacrificial pit and you see the results. Beautiful! Technically this hook is a K and it's 7 inches long.
Oh and maybe you're wondering about the, dare I say it.... shhhhhh.... knitting needle in the background? I made my sweetie pointy sticks with tulip wood hearts on top for Valentine's day. And what you see is a project she's working on... she's beautiful, smart, a wonderful wife, momma, and Memaw (gramma).. and a knitter... go figure. Needle-ess to say they're not for sale. Well maybe I should'nt be so hasty.... she might be willing to part with them.. I haven't asked. But she sorta treasures them, I hope.
And now part 2:
Well, a couple of posts ago (scroll down to see) I made the very first in the known Universe "Hookstopper" wine stopper of Maple and Maple is white so you'd expect it to be used for white wine, eh? Logical? So in fairness, I just had to make a red "Hookstopper" for red wine.
Same material... Maple; but the wood has been dyed with a bright red analine dye. Still the color turned out a wee bit orangeish... a color that I'm finding I don't mind at all especially on a green bottle. The cork is the same as the last auctioned "Hookstopper", a ribbed silicone doohickey that works really well to seal a bottle. Actually I'm told these silicone stoppers are much better functionally than the chrome stoppers you see with rubber O-rings...eventually the chrome will corrode and fall off into your wine. So I'm told.
The hook part is an N (10mm) and its 5 inches long and its totally functional. You might use it to crochet a wine bottle bib? You'll be the hit of your next crochet group/wine tasting. Not an good idea though, to crochet with the wine bottle attached.
and now
Part 3:
These are the two other hooks I alluded to above. Both came from my back yard, where this picture was taken.
First we'll look at the top hook. Next door to my house is an open area with lots of locust trees. Last winter almost every tree over there lost branches.. several fell in my yard and wall-a! Hook wood!! Now I have a love hate relationship with Locust. I love the wood, its hard, very hard.. and really beautiful to look at. And I love to look at the trees. The branches go everywhich way and against a dark sky in an evening when the sun decides to shine just at sunset... well those trees are just strikingly beautiful. The down side is that they shed small sticks with thorns and the seeds really don't like to be raked. Oh Noooo they want to burrow into your yard and make little trees. Ah but i digress again.
This hook is just so that's not the word. This hook is handsome!! Yeah that's it! Handsome! Ruggedly Handsome, and it's a K (6.5mm); 7 inches long.
Now the next on the block is a pretty blond with the beauty mark. Ok I shouldn't say beauty mark, but that's what I told you before and now I'm having second thoughts,a rare thing for me cause first thoughts don't come easy let alone second ones. I'm thinking now like its more like a small oval abstract painting. In reality, its a bit of bark that I intentionally left on this hook just because its so intreguing for contrast. And I like it. I keep going back to look at and that's one criteria for "ART"... so it MUST be art. High art. Mom Nature's art! None better.
Anyways this hook is also from a fallen branch; this time from a maple tree in my back yard that broke under heavy snow load last winter. Broken branches great hooks make. Creamy white and a beguiling little abstract bas relief bark piece original by Mom Nature.
Little Blondie with the high art is an H (5mm), 6 1/2 inches long, and is as light as a little hunk of fluff.
ok ok on to the low down
For now, lets let this auction run till next Tuesday MORNING this time... just 5 days away. That's so afterwards I can sneak off to the Ranch for a couple days mid week. SO, this auction will close Tuesday Morning March 3 at 10am Pacific Standard Time.
As per usual, you can email me your bids at:
I'll try to post bids as they come in.
And thanks again for dropping by! Great to have visitors! Sit a spell... take your shoes off. Make yourself at home!
Ironwood F:
WooHoo already a bid! Jobug says $40
Candice goes to $50
Catherine raises it to $55
TLC is here with $60
Nicole hikes it up to $75
TLC goes to $80
Nicole comes back with $85
Flowering Crab apple K:
Amanda's opens for $10
Ms Kitty... $20
Candice here too.. $25
Lolly's back for another hook.. goes to $30
Candice raises it to $35
Lolly's hanging in there.. $40
Hookstopper II:
Yay!! A bid!!!
Amada loves the color.. $10
Becky sees the need... $20
Amanda comes back with $25
Oh and did I say this is signed and numbered "Jimbo 2" under the silicone cap, thereby making it EXTREMELY valuable at the 3017AD Antique Roadshow??
Locust K:
Alice likes the little K.. #25
Lolly again to $30
Blondie H:
Elle starts us at $20
A. Nonymous goes to $25
Nicole says $40
A. Nonymous: $45
Nicole goes to $50
Lolly takes it to $60
Nicole! hikes it to $65
Good Golly its Lolly!..$70
Just gorgeous! I'm soooo tempted, but I think I blew my budget on those last 2.
Jimbo, these are all beauties, I can barely hold back from bidding, but alas it is a big birthday month and that nasty time for the IRS too.
Love to look and love to use, maybe a fairy will send me some "mad money" to play with.
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