(please click on the image to enlarge photo)
During our recent trip with good friends to visit good friends Fred and Sue in Canada, we were treated to an authentic English meal at "The Blethering Place" in Victoria BC. In my mind, The Blethering Place is as English as I have ever imagined. The main dining area is surrounded by very British dark wood wainscoting, the decor is what I'd say is equally English, and we read from a menu that featured such things as crumpets, kidney pie, and of course, tea. Fantastic!
Our waitress was the very pretty, friendly, and patient Samantha (and if you're reading this, Samantha; I hope I remembered your name correctly). Samantha agreed to pose for the picture you see above. And do you see what pretty Samantha is holding? That's right, tea pots in tea pot cozies! EVERY teapot in The Blethering Place (and there are LOTS of teapots) has its very own crocheted cozy! Now THAT'S class, eh? I was so impressed I just had to let you know.
So if you get a chance to visit Victoria, sure go see the famous Empress Hotel where Royalty has visited, but be sure to have tea at the Blethering Place. Visit their website at
Cheery O!
ps I'll be away up at the ranch for the next few days so please keep a light out for me.
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